FREE workshop
from getting better results?
- Leadership and Emotions– yourself and your team
- Take responsibility for your emotions and the creation of your life
- Transform your triggers to work with people better

Conscious Life Design Coach | Regenerative Practitioner
Choose to get different results
Use emotional alignment – to transform triggers
Think differently to get different results
Change your beliefs and stories
Change your automatic habits
Work better with your team/project
its possible to manage your triggers and ego
Is you motivation run by your emotions?
Emotional Alignment means you run your life and your emotions support you. Transform your triggers. Be more comfortable with challenge. How does care show up in your team, are you permanently grumpy?.
Looking in the mirror and feeling good about who we have been today.
How do you relate to your staff when you are triggered ? Are you on different emotional wave lengths
Wendy brings strong coaching and healing skills into the business arena. She works with individuals and groups.
She has worked for 3 multinational companies and see a need for busy people to have access to holistic support and techniques.
She supports people who choose to evolve their own skills and the culture of how they work together. Choosing to develop personal and group capacity to innovative create think tank cultures, embracing the personal work to operate successfully in challenging situations.
Companies often strive to create teams that work well together . When individuals choose to step into evolving their personal skills the culture of the business can evolve. New and innovative results are more possible. What results could you and your team achieve?
Reinventing our lives is not a short term project. I believe consistent evolution/learning should be built into how we live.
We create our own lives. Owning the choices we make means we have more opportunities of growth and success.
In business and personal lives our voices are important and when we choose to talk we change our reality. Collective conversations matter. We start to see and acknowledge difference, to make choices as to how we want to live.
“Wendy’s has a genuine interest and desire to help her clients and she easily blends life coaching with PSYCH –K and inner child work to release past emotional wounding. Her calm and caring presence provides safety in which to explore and resolve personal and professional issues. She has the abilty to help individuals move forward from past hurts and take control of their lives
Anna - Coach and Trainer Career Life
“Wendy’s has a genuine interest and desire to help her clients and she easily blends life coaching with PSYCH –K and inner child work to release past emotional wounding. Her calm and caring presence provides safety in which to explore and resolve personal and professional issues. She has the abilty to help individuals move forward from past hurts and take control of their lives
Jennifer - Mum
When I started my journey with Wendy I was unsure of what exactly to expect. I knew things were slowly spiralling out of control having just started a new business and already having numerous commitments outside of work. Many of my friends couldn’t understand why I would need life coaching as to the outside world I seemed very much like I had my life sorted. Persistent insomnia was one of the main factors that made me seek external help. It was slowly affecting everything in both my work and personal life. Wendy helped me focus on what was really important to me and allowing me to find clarity in my own mind. I think the best part about Wendy is that she is very un-judgemental. She made me feel at ease throughout the entire process. I now have the skills and knowledge required to help myself when I start to feel life is getting out of control. I truly thank her for everything she has taught me”.
Laura MBA B Prop B Com
NZ 24th August 8am- 9am
WENDY SIMPSON : All rights reserved