Wendy - Conscious Life Designer - Coach - Mum - Business Woman, Artist, Regenerative Practitioner
In 2022 Wendy decided to offer personal and business solutions that utilize her business skills, her Healing skills , coaching skills and her Regenerative systems skills.
Going back to work after being a full time mum, and healer was hard. Wendy realized that she was a very different person. All of the modalities and coaching holistic learning, self development and business study started to align and percolate. After working for a few months she realised that not all businesses have the skills or the capacity to deliberately create self development culture. That change was hard for many people. Many mangers step into roles with good will and up-skill as they go. This is a tried and true of working and there should always be stretch in a role. How we stretch, depends on us. There are many ways to transform or evolve, some are easier than others.
Wendy utilizes her business skills, her skills as personal development specialist, healer and regenerative practitioner. To help men and woman consciously learn the building blocks of self-evolution, and to participate in conscious group evolution. She understands the power of personal change and deliberate group dynamics work. How they symphonise to uplift projects. When we individually group and evolve together, with care and with a focus on the value we bring to our projects , so our people are stronger, healthier and our businesses more profitable.
Conscious Regenerative Business
How our businesses operate in the world.
Consciously focus on evolving an innovative and developmental culture.
Regenerative evolution. Seeing possibilities for our product /project to become more valuable and have more impact.
Personal Development
Our personal stories habits and patterns shape our lives.
Are we wanting something different? Do we need to heal, or just choose to be different in some way to achieve our dreams.Â
Step into a new way of living, a new earning space, a way of being in relationship with your self and your people, your project, your team.
Wendy has worked for 3 multinational companies and sees a need for busy people to have access to holistic support and techniques and for companies to deliberately create working cultures that operate successful projects.
Leaders are often busy people who would benefit from consciously developing their personal skills and their teams skills. You and your team are accountable for the project outcome. Support your team as individuals and as a group to evolve into a cohesive successful teams.When individuals choose to step into evolving their personal skills the culture of the business can evolve. New and innovative results are more possible.  What results could you and your team achieve?
People who choose to develop and evolve are leaders, they transform themselves and their lives.
Reinventing our lives is a long term project. Consistent evolution/learning should be built into how we live.
We create our own lives. Owning the choices we make means we have more opportunities of growth and success. In business and personal lives our voices are important and when we choose to talk we change our reality. Collective conversations matter. We start to see and acknowledge difference, to make choices as to how we want to live. It really is harder to live in ground hog day repeating the grumbles again and again, Transforming has its challenges , its a very satisfying journey.Â
when we change our thoughts and beliefs
we change every aspect of our life
I have been on a series of very strong Health Journeys in my life each of them has been a huge journey of self discovery changing me significantly. When we choose health life gets better.  The most painful one was when I realized couldn’t journey with my ex husband.
I have been on a deep and life changing journey since my children were born. Their birth , encouraged me to look at myself with honesty and to want more for myself and my children. I awoke energetically and emotionally and I started to see and feel the world differently.
We were together 20 years and married for 12. We are now divorced The whole process took me through some very dark nights of the soul. It also taught me more that I could ever say. I have been through hard times, I know what it feels l like to have everything I do bring me back to the same place of exhaustion and flatness of doing tasks and feeling like i am just surviving. On the surface life was fine however it was my mind and energy health that wasn’t working as it should or more accurately I felt trapped in my own choices and my days felt useless.
I was washing dishes when I realized my soul was quietly dying. I could feel the sand running out. I was depressed all the time and even my lovely daughters didn’t hold my attention the way I knew they should, being with them created happiness in me, and still does. I knew I should be able to enjoy life when I wasn’t with them.
I started to look around for ways to come into balance and to bring in personal motivation and enjoyment into my life. That was the start of a HUGE journey. Life is good now, my challenges are more enjoyable and I feel good inside because my decisions are made from my internal self and while I consider others , I am more aligned with me and my future. I am proud of my achievements.
My healing journey took me into spaces of myself I never new existed . I learnt how to actively choose who I am being. I am so grateful for the life I have now! Changing my thoughts and beliefs has been one of the most powerful tools for choosing my life.
I still have my ups and downs like everyone. Now when I come back to that place …. you know …that place we go to when we rest, I am ME reflecting and being , its a supportive loving space!
My Journey from Unwell to Health
My self discovery journey of healing and motivation has many strands and they have interwoven to create my now. I have transformed all the below areas of my life very significantly – to healthy states.
BODY HealthÂ
MIND Health
PURPOSE /Motivational Health / choosing my life
FAMILYÂ – CHILDREN, Single Motherhood.
CURRENT Learning Journey – Earning well working at the transformation level of projects and people. Working at the individual and team level to create successful cultures of communication, critical conversations, innovation and care. Â
These are definitely achievable goals, 10 years ago my personal journey started to avalanche. I focused my time without children on learning and strong personal transformation.Â
My current journey is the process of supporting two young teenagers and learning the monetization of life. Figuring out how to earn well using my skills with personal and group Transformation , Coaching, Conscious Life Design, Business Systems and Regenerative Living Systems.
2019 (4.5 years ago) I started working full time in my “‘Job” I am a My role is client manager, previously I was a full time Mum for 10 years and Healer/Coach part time.
I noticed how much my personal transformation work positively impacted what I can achieve. I became a working parent and had to stop energetic practices of energy and emotional and mediation (and more) that felt core to who I was at the time. I felt like I had to close pieces of myself down to work. I felt like my personal change jouney slowed to a snail pace. I realised we cant all afford to become a hermit for years practicing effective healing techniques like I did.Â
You can transform your life, your job your relationships to get better results with your projects and relationships.
With the support you can transition into a more healthy body, mind spirit, emotional life, relationships if you choose to invest in yourself and the health of you and your family.
Its easier to be supported, to be shown the tools and techniques than it is to HACK your way through the jungle of life by yourself !
Common reasons people say no
I cant, its too hard I would rather avoid – if you feel like this then we can work on this feeling first and get you into action this is definitely something we can change.
Its really is harder to stay stuck than it is to change
Both can be painful, when you do the work your pain subsides and you step into a new challenge, there is a lot of joy and satisfaction in doing your inner work.
If you choose to stay unhappy or to keep avoiding , then you are limiting your future.Â
Most people choose make changes when the pain or possibility of pleasure gets to much, I know which I would prefer?