What is a Regenerative project?
Regenerative thinking is a holistic set of principles that inform the vision of projects.
the intent of a regenerative projects is to encourage the regeneration/ health of the People, Culture, Communities, Land and Living Systems
When we understand the nested systems the project is participating in. We start to see the possibilities for our product /project to become a valued part of the living system.Â
Projects can become integrated into the local economy, intertwining with communities and impacting the land positively. When this happens well the project flourishes, the community’s flourish. This is how businesses grow their presence, products, and longevity relationships.
When our people and communities thrive so do our businesses, when the land thrives people are healthy. More wellness creates more opportunities.
So to finish when the projects encourage wellness in people and community they thrive in a way that is good the local economy, for the company and its profits because the companies product is known , utilized and valued. As the project continues to encourage wellness in its communities we start to see an upward spiral health in people, places and relationships. The company is part of the landscape and participating as an integral part of the system. Â
This is the sweet spot of being an “essential” service.Â
This is the sweet spot of being an "essential" service.Â
Regensis Group and Carol Sanford do large scale regenerative projects. They teach specific ways of thinking that help regenerative practitioners to see opportunities to understand how projects can bring more health to the living systems they operate in.
I am learning how to use a regenerative thinking as taught by Regensis Group and Carol Sanford this approach informed by a 4 year bachelor of design an agile accreditation and a prince 2 project management course and experience in three multinational companies.
How could your project/product or company become more intertwined in the local community so it increases the health of its people and is valued in such a way fantastic profits ensue.
While not all programmes on this website are labelled regenerative all of these programmes are regenerative in nature. They have and encourage care, for individuals the communities and maybe the land and the business its self. The evolution, people, and yes profits.Â
This work is conscious (thinking) evolution /development, of ourselves our teams and our business and our world. It ripples through lives and our communities. The business workshops programmes contain a mix of influences including lived experiences, regenerative frameworks and other study. Â
How are the business workshops and programmes different from regenerative business model?
Well, it depends on the business, your business may not be explicitly considering the wellness of the land. The programme you choose will likely have some regenerative frameworks, and will include other appropriate frameworks. Resourcing may be different depending on your unique circumstances.Â
How does care for the land fit into the regenerative paradigm
We have lots of data that is telling us we are using the earths resources at such a rate, we will run out of some of fossil fuels in the not too distant future. That our water might be contaminated by farm and industry run off. Our ocean is looking barren when it was teaming with fish years ago. in some countries smog is cutting out the sun so people and plants and animals may not be as healthy.
Part of the regenerative business paradigm is to make sure our projects and products increase the wellness of people and the earth. This means that the ecosystem you work within, the people and land is more healthy because of your company and your product. A successful product will be valued, which means good profits. This means if your product is not available it will be missed, the ecosystem will notice.- you are positioning your self as less displaceable.
Regenerative Resourcing
Its March 2022 and I am just finishing my 2nd course with the Regenesis institute learning how to be a resource. This ties in nicely with my coaching skills and my business offerings.Â
The regenerative business community have differentiated coaching, teaching training and consulting as different to Resourcing. I believe these can all cross over however if a regenerative practitioner is sticking to the purity of what I understand resourcing to be then the below is true.
Resourcing is on offer to individuals, groups and projects.
A resource encourages/helps the people /project  to be more successful, by being more skillful in thinking and in learning, self-evolution and using living system paradigms. This could be in many areas of the project. One on one or in groups or at different stages of projects.
Resource the client to achieve their goal in a more “successful “way using content or paradigms provided by the regenerative business community.
Regenerative resources use regenerative business frameworks to evolve thinking to achieve more successful results.
IT IS a resources role encourage to the development of people and project to self-evolve.
Encourage building person personal capability to do the self-work. To see and transform their automated reactions into chosen conscious responses.
Help, encourage the client to learn and think in what is perceived to be living systems paradigms.
Help, encourage the client to be more skillful in thinking for themselves to be learning and practice self-evolution with an aim to build capability and using questioning and due diligence with “advice” or “expert” opinions.Â
Resource the client get successful results

Regenerative Business
Education and Certifications

The Regenerative Practitioner Series – Certificate
Regenesis Institute for Regenerative Practice
Issued Dec 2021 · No Expiration DateIssued Dec 2021 · No Expiration Date
Credential ID Certivi

Resolution Institute Mediation Accreditation
Resolution Institute
Issued Aug 2021 – No Expiration Date

Zenergy Master Class
Zenergy Global: Facilitating Collective Intelligence
Issued May 2021 – No Expiration Date

Zenergy GlobalZenergy Global
Issued Apr 2018 · No Expiration Date

APMG InternationalAPMG International
Issued Jan 2018 · No ExpirationÂ
Credential ID 2000750757

AXELOS Global Best PracticeIssued Dec 2017 · No Expiration DateDateCredential ID 00401988 Cert No

Issued Sep 2015 · No Expiration Date

Issued Jul 2003 · No Expiration Date


Art and Craft Diploma – Year Two Level, Ceramics and Painting
2015 – 2016
Grade: A- Hungry creekÂ
Hungry Creek 1 year – Ceramics major. completed to 2 year diploma level. I really loved this course, I left to do more coaching and to transition into being a working mum.

Bachelor of Design 1996-1999 – 1 paper to complete, 3d
Grade: B-Â
4 Year Design Degree – to level 700. 1996,1997,1998,1999
Design and make 3d objects
Why I didn’t I complete? Student loans were for 4 years, so I got a job to pay my bills. I intended to go back , however I got caught up earning and paying off my loan.