Choosing to Live Consciously

Conscious means choosing your focus

For me being conscious is choosing to be aware of what’s happening for us moment to moment.  

Becoming aware of the relevant information flows of the many parts of us,  our bodies, minds emotions, energy field, our people and our environments.

We work with  influencing or transform our  life patterns to produce positive nodal results. Stepping out of the haze of reaction, where we achieve the same results over and over. 

Where we choose to focus our attention is important.
We can access a  plethora of information on any topic and any part of our life. For instance if you focus predominately on tidiness when cooking you will have a different result to someone who focuses on flavor, and another result for those who focus on health, another who focuses on fast and easy, Our focus  decides on the data we receive and what we can do with i

Being Conscious is an adventure that is neither easier or harder than being unconscious

Life is still messy and rude loving and joyful.  I have found  being conscious  becomes very satisfying if we choose to do our inner work. We have more possibility’s available to us and we build the skills to step into them.

Being unconscious is not bad, it means you have less insight as to whats happening, in the area you are unconcious and therefore less choices. This works for some.   In reality we are all conscious and have different filters of what we choose to pay attention to. The gardner who can in a glance give you a 50 page essay about the dirt its life and enzymes , the cook who knows spices , the physio who knows all the muscle groups and all the ligaments of your body, the yogi who knows what the stars are doing.  

Its up to each individual to create their life. When we take responsibility for our actions (regardless of the research or advice we solicited before hand)  we own the results. 

There are some basic beliefs that provide a safe platform, enabling us  to reach for what we want and to achieve our conscious goals. Most of us have variations of similar beliefs however the layering of beliefs and their flavor is unique to each person. As we get skillful, we are able to carefully rearrange or transform nodal beliefs and unravel the threads of negative beliefs.    Your life reflects your attention

Like any tool, living consciously is only as good as how you apply it
Using a hammer to hit someone on the head, has a different result to using it to building a house.  What was I thinking when I used that hammer?  Was it goodwill?   What outcome was I aiming for?  

If you are having trouble achieving your goals the reason we haven’t managed to do so is because you have opposing belief sets.
These can be identified and we can find or create a positive pathway to your goals and dreams.

When working with clients, on a personal level, I help them to learn to identify their own belief sets and stories. I work with them to transform nodal stories, that create positive change. Choosing to create a life they feel proud of. 

Its my role to provide resources and to hold the space for your learning, healing and transformation.  We all have the ability  CREATE OUR LIVES if  we CHOOSE to make a commitment to our goal or desire.

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