Choosing to do something because you desire – a lovely way to live

written 2017

What I have done is take the judgment and blame out of the action.  

 Often we settle into the I stress  to achieve pattern as a way to survive, its what we see modeled to us and around us.  I didn’t even know there was another way to live!

What is the feeling I want to permeate my life?

Choosing to do something because you desire to is can be almost effortless. Being with someone who desires your company is much more motivating   than someone who tolerates you because they should, or they have to.

I personally have struggled with this form of navel gazing for a few years, finding the right combination for me to take action and reach out for what I want is still an ongoing journey. Each day I am getting better and better at asking and reaching for what I want.

Passive mind chatter about how hard something will be sets up all the hard slog we would rather avoid.  It writing the future in advance step by step.  Deciding what my future will be even tho I haven’t lived it yet and I cant know all the variables.


I started to meditate and I joined a tai chi class

If a butterfly flutter can change the world, then every action I take or don’t take puts into motion events I cant possibly imagine.

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