What is Judgment?
For many years I was really confused about judgment
This is a subject that I have spent a lot of time with, and what I have come to, is an understanding in myself of what I believe to be the difference of Judgment vs Discernment
Ever since I can remember I have found strong judgment against others unattractive. Â
All the while I was aware that I was judging them. I then judged my self for judging them … where does this crazy loop end?
Occasionally I found my self feeling appalled at the feeling of judgment I had towards others . I have found that applying the mirror principal in most situations works for me. Each time I judged realized I was also judging my self by those same judgments. This was at high school.  my school life I embarked on a grand experiment where I decided that everybody was worthy and that they all deserved respect and consideration.
But I had got a few things mixed up, I felt I couldn’t say no, because when I didn’t want something I was judging it.
What I didn’t know was that I didn’t understand the difference between judgment and discernment, I didn’t understand that its ok to have a preferences, and that if you think that preference is judgment.
I felt like I was judging everyone when I said no , that I should…Â be able to like everyone.
I was brought up in an environment –Â (which I want to be very clear was loving)
Now that’s said, I grew up with belief that it wasn’t ok to say no to others, that if they asked me nicely I felt obligated to help or do what they asked. General I was considered a quiet shy child, when i did speak up it was normal on behalf of others. I watched a lot and felt invisible. Â
 Well we all have our little things.
 It was actually empowering, I could do what I liked because I wasn’t noticed.
So for many years I struggled with not being able to say no, even as an adult this habit meant tat I was constantly putting my life on hold to say yes, or to avoid saying yes, This passive aggressive situation is common for many people the need to say yes all the time or to say no all the time can be very constricting.
I believe the discernment what happens when we allow all the information from our bodies and being to mix up and form a picture of some sort.
So to bring this back to judgement. The problem I have with judgement is that I don’t like the feeling of being judged and I don’t like the feeling of Judging.
An act or instance of judging.
The ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion:a man of sound judgment.
The forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion, as from circumstances presented to the mind.
Often feelings  and emotions are heavily involved.
Judgments normally are programmed into us by adults while we are children or they are a result of a huge emotional time in our life where we decided that something was good , bad right or wrong.
When IÂ meditated on what was there instead of judgment, discernment came into my mind. After further mediation and I wrote these statements.
• Discernment is the clear conscious perception and understanding of the variables in a situation.
• Discernment is used to decide which actions to take.
• Discernment is the result of the work in progress collaboration of all parts of me gathering information to inform analysis. It results in a clear conscious perception of the variables in a situation.
I embraced the idea of judgment, its not necessarily negative. However I am still often uncomfortable when both sides are not considered. I try not to judge, and I do believe we can all have our own taste, and our individuality is important. This was an important balance concept for me as I gave my self-permission to say no and yes without feeling mean or wrong.Â
I wrote this post in 2017, then forgot about it, I have adjusted it slightly.Â
It came up for me recently I have since really enjoyed a JourneyÂ
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