The bread above was made by me 2015 its the recipe below with seeds put in at the part three stage
LOVE THIS BREAD, my favorite bread. I am hungry.
My kids LOVE this bread
Its very hearty, nutritious and easy to make.
The basic recipe takes less than 5 minutes of my attention over 3 days. This doesn’t include cooking time or soaking time. It may take you a few extra minutes till you have all your utensils and ingredients easily at hand. The washing up takes slightly longer. Of course when I play with flavors that can change.
My kids love this bread and its very hearty, nutritious and easy to make.
It can be made with just buckwheat however the oats add silica and softness. Silica is fantastic for joints and skin, and the buckwheat helps the body to digest the oats.* The fermentation process opens up the cell walls and allows your body to assess more of the nutrients and they are now more easily digested. Buckwheat is high in protein and b vitimans among other things, it is a “warming “ food and the oats are a “cooling” food , best eaten with another cooling or balance type food for balance.
(written oct 2015 note from wendy, this is almost exactly the same as the recipes I was experimenting with making pizza bread in 2013/14 I played with 2-3 seeds buckwheat, millet quinoa red rice etc, only difference was I didn’t put it into a loaf tin.. lots of playing ahead. )
- 2 cups whole buckwheat (not roasted)
- 1 cup oats
- 3 cups fluid –I normally use coconut water, but you could use good quality water, fermented fluid, the buckwheat water(yes its slimy), stock water etc…
- 1 tbl coconut oil
- 1/3 cup sesame seeds or poppy seeds.
- ½ tsp salt leave out if making into a sweet version (quality unrefined sea salt or Himalyan salt. I use Malcolm Harkners sea salt because it has kelp added.
- Seeds – sunflower pumpkin etc
- Grated turmeric and ginger, raisins, cumin seeds, rosemary,
- banana, apple, apricots blueberries etc.
- My favorite is to add half a cup of flax seed
PART ONE 1 minute maybe..
At bedtime measure out buckwheat, cover with healthy water at least one inch above to allow for expansion the seeds.
Cover loosely with a clean cloth, Soak overnight.
PART TWO 3 minutes maybe..
Day 1 In the morning drain the buckwheat (water will be mucilaginous/slimy), keep for your fluid if you wish. You can rinse if you want to but its not essential and takes time.
Put drained buckwheat into the vitamix/blender with 1 cup of oats and your 3 cups of fluid. Blend slightly, careful to leave some texture. ( you can play with adding flavors at his point if you wish I have added fresh turmeric, and spices like cinnamon, old banana…
Pour batter into a glass bowl with 1-2 inches to spare at the top and cover with cloth or porous top that stops insects getting in but allows breathing.
You can decide to add flavors at this point if you wish, I have tried many here are a couple – grated turmeric and ginger, raisins, cumin seeds, rosemary etc. My favourite is to add half a cup of flax seed, with ½ cup of fluid to go with
Leave to ferment at room temperature for ½ – 1 day, you can slow the process down by refrigerating it.
PART THREE - 3 minutes
½ – 1 day later When its ready the batter will have “holes” in it and have risen
Carefully mix in any flavors, seeds nuts, herbs vege spices etc before cooking
Grease the pan with coconut oil and shake sesame seeds onto it – the seeds will stick to the sides.
Pour the batter.
If you have created a savory bread, add a sprinkle of salt to the top, and topping of choice, cumin rosemary etc
PART FOUR - Cook and eat
Cook 30-40 minutes – test out your pan and your oven to get best results.
The pan I use is this size –
Remove from oven, allow to cool for 1 hour or more before tipping out of the pan.
Once cool slice thickly and eat with avocado and salt and tomato or any topping you like. You can toast it in the oven if you wish.
Preparation time: 7 minutes over 3 days
Oven Cooking time: 30-40 min
- glass bowl
- clean teatowel
- loaf tin – mine is smaller – check traditional pan size
- blender/ vitamix
- stirrer
- measuring cups & spoons
- oven
- sieve for draining
- extra bowl if you are keeping the soak water
This is a very adaptable batter, try experimenting with it.
I sometimes sprinkle on or poke things in things in after I have poured the batter or occasionally i have poured half then put in onion date jam and poured the other half.
After throwing a couple of smelly batters when I “forgot” about them, I decided to skim the top off and cook one anyway, it turned out fine, it was just fermented and tasted a bit different. I tested it first, then when I served it up, my kids didn’t notice the difference. So don’t be afraid to push the boundaries. It’s a very forgiving recipe, its our nostrils that are unused to the fermentation process.
I have made almost the same recipe with multigrain rice , and quinoa. Rice bread goes very hard quickly. It was lovely the first day.
Extra bowl if you are keeping the soak water and using it as the fluid.
I would like to thank conscious catering for there blog which introduced me to using buckwheat batter to make bread.
I had be experimenting with a fermented flat bread/ pizza base, crepes, and pan bread, I was blending buckwheat for crepes and I was searching for toppings when I came across their post (press the green text below to see there site)
It was very similar to what I was already doing, I immediately made some, and became invigorated with new possibilities. What fun, I love playing with food! Especially when its healthy!
* Buckwheat has phyase which helps to digest phytase for more information see a
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