A few years ago I was noticing everything I was doing. I started to realize the majority of the time I was eating out of habit ie – I normally eat at dinner which means i should eat a full dinner every night.Â
The biggest one for me is that I would eat when I feel a certain feeling or emotion. I started to notice sometime it was my emotions and sometimes it seemed to happen more when I am connected to certain friends or family. If I felt like avoiding or needed a break i would first head to the pantry open the doors and pick a snack.
When I eat I start to feel good (normally)Â
My feeling may change into a satiation feeling. The emotion it produces is satisfaction and comfort, a full stomach feels good it also diverts energy away from emotions to the practical realities of digestion. Which often stops the emotional processing. Its a practical coming into balance, the body priorities survival over emotional stress.Â
Of course sometimes the feeling doesnt change so we continue to eat, and eat not realising we are feeling emotions rather than our stomachs.
Eating is one of the most commen coming into balance processes we use.
We may use other ways to get to that feeling of balance until next time.
What is your go to?
What is it you run to when you are unhappy,  avoiding or want to feel good?
What do you to do cover or displace, or transform or come into relationship with those feelings, knowings that you dont want?
What do you to do cover or displace, or transform or come into relationship with those feelings, knowings that you dont want?What covers or displaces that gnawing feeling( until next time)
Its quite likely the same behavior as someone in your family, or someone you looked up to , a friend you spent lots of time with. Or a behavior that go you want you wanted with those people.
A few years ago I was noticing everything i did and delving into why. I started to realise the majority of the time I was eating out of habit Â
When I eat I start to feel good (normally)Â
My feeling may change into a satiation feeling. The emotion it produces is satisfaction and comfort, a full stomach feels good it also diverts energy away from emotions to the practical realities of digestion. Which often stops the emotional processing. Its a practical coming into balance, the body priorities survival over emotional stress.Â
Eating is one of the most commen coming into balance processes we use.
We may use other ways to get to that feeling of balance until next time.
 What ever it is  shopping, needing validation, bullying, eating, hugs, music, facials ,running digging the garden.Â
If you choose to notice your notice your behavior you then have the choices
- You can ignore it
- You can choose to come into relationship with it
- You can choose to transform the pattern
What do you do when you feel unsafe or out of balance?Â
I used meditation very successfully for a few years, I meditated for hours each day. It helped me to be calm and get into flow. It lead me to do other modalities. I started to learn the skills I didn’t have right then to change my life , to come into relationship with my self. I was able to operate in a way that felt right as opposed to just being reactive. When we finally separated I did it with as much care as i know how.
Mediation was a piece of the puzzle, it helped me to get a place of coping and being ready to look at my self and make changes.Â
How do your coming into balance techniques work for you?Â
When life isn’t moving or working for you it means that your rules have become to inhibiting to function… this happens all the time.
When we make a conscious decision to change something to make our life better then we are agreeing to learn and try new things.
Are you experiencing ground hog day , where you have the same situation again and again?
Those situations and feelings you are managing or “balancing” are they being transformed or are they reoccurring?
We can change how we automatically behave in times of emotion and stress.Â
If you choose to do the work , life starts to change. If you would like to be on the journey of choosing how you want to be I can help you.Â
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